As I have stated before in this blog:
“The success of a Democracy is based on the art of truth.”

The picture of the transmission tower was very prevalent in their e-mail, but is in no way accurate of what is being proposed by Delmarva Power. In fact, it represents a blatant lie and its only purpose is to play on the emotions of uninformed citizens of Dorchester County. As with much of those whom are in opposition to MAPP, they are still propagating misleading, and inaccurate information with the hopes of directing the citizens of Dorchester to be in opposition also. As I have asked before and will ask again, “What do THEY have to gain?”

This photo is exactly what Delmarva Power is proposing. The two top lines are for lighting protection. It is just two lines because the AC (alternating current) will be rectified on the Western Shore to DC (direct current, positive and negative). It will come under the bay to Dorchester County but will still be two lines of DC being supported by a single steel pole until it reaches Vienna. This is where it will be inverted back into AC and then follows the existing right-of-ways to the other locations through out the Delmarva Peninsula. The bottom three lines are the typical three phase electrical power line going to your house, work, etc. You could also run telephone and cable TV lines on these electric poles also. As you can see, crops are being grown right underneath the power lines, chickens are being raised close by, etc. So when the opponents make claims to the opposite, as you can well see, it is not even close to being accurate. THEY ARE LYING TO THE CITIZENS OF DORCHESTER COUNTY SO WHAT DO THEY HAVE TO GAIN?!?
The reality is quite a big difference to what the Dorchester Tourist Board’s lie that they were trying to pass off. If their message cannot stand up to the light of truth, then it is not much of an argument in the first place and should be ignored.
The Dorchester Tourist Board goes on to imply that the area where Harriet Tubman grew up, escaped slavery and started her mission to lead other slaves into freedom, will be irrevocably harmed and destroyed. So I guess those of the Dorchester Tourist Board would want the citizens Dorchester County today to have the exact same access to reliable and stable electric power that Harriet Tubman had access to in her time. This of course would be NONE! The members of the Dorchester Tourist Board are presenting their argument with the intellectual stupidly equal to those characters from the “Hee Haw” TV show. One can only wonder what the conversations must be like in that office, “We wants to keep this area real purddy.”
Now it is time to ask the question to the “Hee Haw” Dorchester Country Tourist Board, “In your twenty plus years that I know of being funded by the citizens of Dorchester; what of any significance do you have to show for this investment and please don’t point to the Hyatt because you really had nothing to do with that. What you ARE proposing would make sure that the Hyatt would not have an adequate supply of electrical power for the place to operate. Maybe it should be time to disband this waste of government tax payer’s money.”
In summation, I know that there have been many directors that have come and gone with nothing to show for our efforts. Now you want to direct your recourses and manpower to make sure that the citizens of Delmarva, especially Dorchester County, will not have reliable and stable electric power? Please note again that this opposition effort is using our tax payer’s dollars and is all based on a blatant lie. In the least, a severe budget cut should be in order.
I think that this should become a very big campaign issue in our next election in 2010.